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It's a long way to Tipperary ...

Some of our kids have been learning about Armistice Day and it was our pleasure to make poppies and write some amazing poems in rememberance of our soldiers who went to war for us back in 1911.  "At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month...we shall remember them..."

Whaea Danielle and our amazing POPPIE makers
Poems for our fallen but not forgetten commrades.
In honour of our soldiers "LEST WE FORGET"

Loreta, Malosi and Phoenix read their poem to the crowd WHAT IS A POPPY?

Way to go to all our Room 6 kids for playing your part in Armistice Day.

Super Heros ROCK

Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  NO! It's .....ROOM 6 !!!

How many Super Heroes do you know?  We've got quiet a few at Russell School.   Let's check them out .....
Superhero of Room 6 
Some of our SUPERHEROS from ROOM 6
Our biggest HERO always stands with us ... WHAEA EUNICE
So if you are yet to come and meet our amazing SUPERHEROS, come on down to Room 6 and I guess you wouldn't even recognise us :) There's a superhero hidden inside every kid.  You just got to find them.....da da da da !!!!!!