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Room 6 go in search of the ANIMAL KINGDOM .... Zoo Trip :)

"ROAR" said the Lion, 'WOOF" said the Dingo, "MMMMMM...." said the Giraffe....and
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" went the kids of Room 6.

Animal Greetings and smiles to our fellow readers.
Our little ones from Room 6, 9 and 7 had an amazing trip to Wellington Zoo.  Having been postponed for another day, the sun did put on a good nice day for us.  Off on the bus we hop and merrily make our way to see where the WILDTHINGS go :)
Check out our pics .....

Top pics: Bear, Rock insect and Bear again
Bottom: Tamara and Ali are happy to get a ride from an ancient dragon .
Top: Pelican bird, Bear, Spider or Alien
Bottom:  Chimpanzee Whanau - Now whose come to watch who?

Of the many places and animals we got to see the GREEN YOU was very interesting for us all.  Lets see what else we saw.

Rhyme, Amelia, Fano and Taranaki draw out their handprints.
Some of our Rm 6 tamariki showing us what they've made and take our HEART motto
even to the animal kingdom :)

What a busy day we had and so much fun to see and learn more about our animals and environment.  Thanks to Whaea Eunice for helping to organise our trip and to the parent-help.