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Umu at Russell Sch

KA  JA  I 
 Thought we'd open our blog today with the greeting of Burma aka Myanmar :)  BIG SHOUT OUT to Zung Bawm who has been teaching us his greetings :)

Ok so last week we had the awesomeness of seeing how to do a UMU.  What is a "UMU" I hear many  bloggers gasp.  Well take a look-see at some of our school photos and  just the smell of a umu will make your tummy rumble for a taste :)
Seniors help prep kai (food) packs for umu (ground oven).

Kai packs go onto umu.
Our umu is ready!
Kids wait in anticipation for their umu packs :)
Room 6 enjoyed their umu and lots of parents were at school to pick them up before the bell went.  Always a good sign :)

Manuia le aso fellow bloggers and readers :)