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Graduation 2011

Room 9 had our Graduation Celebration yesterday. We had a great Prizegiving ceremony. Thank you to all of the school for being so well behaved and for their beautiful singing. A special thank you to Ben - his speech was fantastic - you are a great leader and role model for next year Ben!
We had a lovely dinner and a fun disco last night to celebrate. Our last few days at Russell have been awesome. We could not have done it all without the amazing staff at Russell - especially Whaea Sose, Whaea Rachel, Whaea Lehi, Miss Anderson, Whaea Deb...all of our hall decorators, our teenage waiters and waitresses,all of the teachers who helped us celebrate - Whaea Laura, Matua Carl, Whaea lynda, Whaea Helaina -man can you all boogie!! Everyone who brought the delicious food - yum,... and most of all to our parents and whanau - we love you!! Thanks to Debbie for our cool cake - we know you were very busy this week so thank you!!

Check out our slideshow --- big big thanks to Whaea Laura's husband Dave whose pictures are fantastic = what a talent he has!!

We have yet to have our final leaving assembly tomorrow at 11am - we will be sad as we also say goodbye to Miss Anderson, Whaea Lehi and Matua Carl, but while it is the end of one part of our journey so we begin a nother exciting chapter of our lives!!!