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Ma'a who? MA'A NONU !!!!!!!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh........whose coming to school today?

What a nice surprise we had when we came to school and were told that an All Black was coming to our school.  YEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  MA'A NONU came to us on the D.L (downlow hehe) and we all had a great time with him.

Check out some of our moments with Ma'a Nonu 
Snippets of his time here :)
Ma'a does "Ka Mate" with our young ones.

So his visit was low key yet he made a huge impact on our
young ones.
Thanks to our 'low key' teacher who not only
made it possible for this gathering but also who taught
Ma'a in his younger days :) :) :)


It's a long way to Tipperary ...

Some of our kids have been learning about Armistice Day and it was our pleasure to make poppies and write some amazing poems in rememberance of our soldiers who went to war for us back in 1911.  "At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month...we shall remember them..."

Whaea Danielle and our amazing POPPIE makers
Poems for our fallen but not forgetten commrades.
In honour of our soldiers "LEST WE FORGET"

Loreta, Malosi and Phoenix read their poem to the crowd WHAT IS A POPPY?

Way to go to all our Room 6 kids for playing your part in Armistice Day.

Super Heros ROCK

Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  NO! It's .....ROOM 6 !!!

How many Super Heroes do you know?  We've got quiet a few at Russell School.   Let's check them out .....
Superhero of Room 6 
Some of our SUPERHEROS from ROOM 6
Our biggest HERO always stands with us ... WHAEA EUNICE
So if you are yet to come and meet our amazing SUPERHEROS, come on down to Room 6 and I guess you wouldn't even recognise us :) There's a superhero hidden inside every kid.  You just got to find them.....da da da da !!!!!!

Umu at Russell Sch

KA  JA  I 
 Thought we'd open our blog today with the greeting of Burma aka Myanmar :)  BIG SHOUT OUT to Zung Bawm who has been teaching us his greetings :)

Ok so last week we had the awesomeness of seeing how to do a UMU.  What is a "UMU" I hear many  bloggers gasp.  Well take a look-see at some of our school photos and  just the smell of a umu will make your tummy rumble for a taste :)
Seniors help prep kai (food) packs for umu (ground oven).

Kai packs go onto umu.
Our umu is ready!
Kids wait in anticipation for their umu packs :)
Room 6 enjoyed their umu and lots of parents were at school to pick them up before the bell went.  Always a good sign :)

Manuia le aso fellow bloggers and readers :)


One Two Three.....Tri-Nations comes to Russell Sch

Fakalofa Lahi Atu (Far-ca-lor-fa Lah-he Ah-to) and a big welcome back to school everyone.  Yes three weeks into term 4 and we have had so many goings on already.

We got our groove on doing and learning the meke "Hi He Va" and learning some phrases in Niuean to learn in our own times.  

Throughout this week we had the flag raising for Tuvalu 
Tuvaluan Flag
Fijian Flag
(Fakatalofa Atu - Hakataloha Atu) and Fiji (Ni Sa Bula Vinaka - Knee Sun Bullah Vee-nah-kah).

Best of all Room 6 took out the Senior Sch GOLDEN JANDAL AWARD for using the TRI-NATIONS languages throughout the week and showing our school values everyday HEART.  Awesome.

What's next for Room 6?

Who says you can't have fun with string.

Hello everyone.

  Team building was good.  We all had fun with this string game.  

Who untangled who I don't know but we had lots of fun playing it together.


Celebrate good times :)

                                  Kia Ora Koutou and welcome back to Room 6's blog for Term 3.

Book Week
Last term we had awesome events happening around the school and in our classrooms.  One of those many events was Book week and so many characters jumped out of books to hang out with us.  We at Room 6 had so many characters visit, I thinl we're all related :)
Snow White and The Mad Hatter 
came to visit us
Princesses Harmony & JJ, 
Rafael Ninja Turtle and Karate Kid
Captain Hook, Zorro, Iron Man IV, Princess Angelica, 
Riley the Mummy , Tooth Fairy, 
Mighty Cat and Snow White.  
Who knew we had so many famous relatives :)
Samoan Week
Faia'oga Eunice demonstrates 'I luga' 
after she opened our ceremony 
with a lotu (prayer)
Faia'oga Sose gives her opening speech

Different views on what 'sasa' means to us
How to dance to the Samoan beat

Room 6 go in search of the ANIMAL KINGDOM .... Zoo Trip :)

"ROAR" said the Lion, 'WOOF" said the Dingo, "MMMMMM...." said the Giraffe....and
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" went the kids of Room 6.

Animal Greetings and smiles to our fellow readers.
Our little ones from Room 6, 9 and 7 had an amazing trip to Wellington Zoo.  Having been postponed for another day, the sun did put on a good nice day for us.  Off on the bus we hop and merrily make our way to see where the WILDTHINGS go :)
Check out our pics .....

Top pics: Bear, Rock insect and Bear again
Bottom: Tamara and Ali are happy to get a ride from an ancient dragon .
Top: Pelican bird, Bear, Spider or Alien
Bottom:  Chimpanzee Whanau - Now whose come to watch who?

Of the many places and animals we got to see the GREEN YOU was very interesting for us all.  Lets see what else we saw.

Rhyme, Amelia, Fano and Taranaki draw out their handprints.
Some of our Rm 6 tamariki showing us what they've made and take our HEART motto
even to the animal kingdom :)

What a busy day we had and so much fun to see and learn more about our animals and environment.  Thanks to Whaea Eunice for helping to organise our trip and to the parent-help.  

Maths with Michelle

Talofa and very warm Pasifika greetings to all our cyber blog readers :)  
Room 6 Rockers have had a great start to the year.  Welcome back to all our year 3's and 4's, and our awesome faiaoga Whaea Eunice.  Here's some pics of the class doing maths
Spring Into Maths with Whaea Michelle

"What makes a decade?" TEN

Girls doing their quick maths

Whaea Eunice and Room 6 Rockers :)

We have lots more adventures to tell you about so stay tuned...zoo next week so that should be exciting.
Have a great day and happy reading :)

What's Up Room 6?

Warm Pasifika and Aotearoa greetings to all our readers out there.

Room 6 has indeed been up to some amazing activities.  The weather was great and we got to soak up some sunrays while doing our work.  Happy Days in Room 6.

Aaron with his maths group ... 
Whaea Eunice takes maths group through patterens of 10's. 
Ali and Pheonix work as partners to create TESSLATIONS with shapes. AWESOME. 
Recycle our bottle tops ready to create works of Art.

Keep a look out for our Art work.  We'd love your comments too.
Some stories to do with the Zoo will be coming up next week but until then hope you've enjoyed our pics.

Talofa...Malo Ni...Malo Lelei..

Firstly here's a collage pic of our beautiful class...

Wow!  This week has rolled around so fast there has already been so many programmes that some of our Room 6 students are involved in.  

Our amazing teacher aide Matua Aaron gets to spend some quality learning and teaching time with Phoenix, last post had some pictures of Whaea Michelle taking a group for Spring Into Maths and Whaea Rachel takes several programmes involving music, literacy and maths.
This week we (Rooms 3, 7 and 6) get to take our turn at Cannons Creek pools.
So nice seeing our seniors show HEART to our juniors by helping lead them down to the pools. We look forward to 3 fine days of awesome weather this week (definitely for next week too) so we don't miss out on our swimming lessons.

Photos of our tamariki busting their swimming moves will be downloaded as soon as.  
Thanks for tuning in.  Until next time :)
Talofa and warm Pacific greetings to all our cyber blog readers :)
Room 6 Rockers have had a great start to the year. 
Welcome back to all our year 3's and 4's, and our awesome faiaoga Whaea Eunice. 

Here's some pics of the class doing maths
Spring Into Maths with Whaea Michelle

"What makes a decade?" TEN

Girls doing their quick maths

Whaea Eunice and Room 6 Rockers :)

We have lots more adventures to tell you about so stay tuned...swimming next week so that should be exciting.
Have a great day and happy reading :)