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Tall tales

Once upon a time i was in cross country in England. The queen came and she gave me a swored.  After that she gave me a job to be queen for the day and i said, "why not". But the next day she gave me another job to find her a king, and i did, his name was John.  Hes the same age and he would love you . Two years later they got married and lived happily ever after.  But after the wedding she gave me another job. She asked me to be queen when she passed away so i said, "why not". Then they lived happily ever after.   The End.

By Tufaina  
Sadly, this is my last post as Room 6's Teacher. I am leaving to take up a new challenge as a Youth Librarian in Kapiti. I believe that its important to always take risks and try new things in your learning and this applies to grown ups too!!

I am really excited about my new job but I am sad too! I will miss all of Room 6 and all of Russell School. I won't be a stranger though! I will post on the blog and visit. SO its not goodbye! 

Whaea Catriona will take over on Monday and Room 6 will continue on their exciting and fun learning journey! Keep posted! 

Room 6 Rocks - have a look at our memories so far!!  

Towards the end of Term 1, six children were invited to go Ice Skating in Wellington.  
Here is a story that was written by one of the students.

My Ice Skating Trip
On Friday the 12th of April, we went Ice Skating.  First, we had to get our bag from our class.  We had to wear the Russell School blue jumpers.  We walked to the van and Whaea Sose took some pictures.  Sione, Tui’ and Max looked cool.  Falea’ana looked handsome in his blue jumper.  We put our bag inside the boot and we went in the van, Whaea Helaina was driving.  We were looking at the sea on our way into Wellington.  We parked the van at the Frank Kitts Car park.  We got out of the van and we got our bag out of the boot.  We then walked in the underground car park, it was very noisy.  We were walking and we took pictures of people Ice Skating.  Whaea Nancy went to pay and then we went to put Ice Skating boots on.  We got orange seals to help us skate.  I fell down and I was laughing.  I got up and tried again.  We took pictures of Tui’, Sione, Max, Falea’ana, Ethan and myself.
We went to have a rest and then went to skate again.  Max was holding on to the seal.  Tui’ fell down on the Ice but she tried again.  Falea’ana fell down too.  It was fun at Ice Skating.  When we finished we had to take our boots off.  We had to go change because we were wet.  Whaea Nancy took the boys to change and Whaea Helaina took the girls to change.  After that, we went to the park to eat and we played at the park.  When we finished playing, we went to get an Ice Cream.  I had a chocolate ice cream.  Then we walked back to the van and put our bags in the boot.  In the van Tui' and me fell asleep.  When we got to school Tui’ woke me up and we got out of the van.  I was so tired but I walked to class.  Everybody said, “Was it fun.”  I said, “Yes.”
The End
Lolla Aviu